I Couldn't Do This Without You

Year In Review, And Why You Should Consider Becoming A Member

Typically, this would be a members-only issue of the newsletter. But it's New Year's Eve–I'm sure there is minimal appetite for hard-hitting tactical content right now. So I'm sending this out to everyone.

I started DTC (fashion) Decoded in back April because, after more than a decade working in eCom and digital marketing, I still couldn't find tactical content written for fashion brands.

I'm pretty active in the online DTC community, where agency owners, marketers and founders share tons of advice on every aspect of eCom.

But most of that community is not working for fashion brands. If you're a fashion marketer entering that space, you'll quickly realize that maybe 50% of the advice will work for you. Fashion brands are simply built different.

When I launched this newsletter, I wondered if anyone would be interested. But the readership here grew faster than I expected. We have almost 1,000 subscribers, and more than 70 paid members!

In the first draft of this note I had like six paragraphs here explaining the economics of running a newsletter and why the membership is so important, but I'll spare you.

I'll just say–it's personally frustrating to me that the nature of this business model kills good, thoughtful content. The slop really rises to the top.

With that said–I'd encourage you to sign up for a membership to DTC (fashion) Decoded.

You'll get access to the entire archive of members-only content. I've shared some really detailed tactical guides–the same advice I share with consulting clients who pay thousands to work with me.

Here is just a sampling of what I've shared with members:

If you get value out of this newsletter, signing up for membership is the best way to say "thank you".

But if that isn't feasible, the second-best way to say "thank you" is to share DTC (fashion) Decoded with your network and encourage them to subscribe.

The third-best way is to reply to this newsletter and tell me what topics you'd like me to cover in 2025.

Thanks for reading. I hope you have an amazing 2025!

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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DTC (fashion) Decoded

Most of the eCom and digital marketing advice published online is not written for fashion brands. It's about time we changed that. Subscribe for two free issues per month, featuring tactical guides, tutorials and case studies from real brands.

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